Many of us think of meditation as something done in a seated position on the floor or in a chair.
However, meditation is not limited only to that. Walking meditation is invented to get our body and mind together as we walk through our day-to-day life.
I would like to teach you walking meditation.
After a long time of meditating, doing walking meditation helps.
Especially, if you sit too long,
When you walk it feels really good.
While walking, you can be aware of the movements of your body.
The feet walking: right, left. You can be aware of that.
Or just be aware of any sensation in your body.
Also, when you walk, the air touches your body.
There is a cooling sensation, or sometimes a warm sensation, or sometimes a tactile sensation.
Anything that happens in your body, any experience in your body, just be aware of it and continue to walk.
You just walk naturally. You do not need to walk very slowly.
You do not need to walk very fast.
Be natural and just walk.
Mind and body together.
When doing awareness of the body practice, you sit still and bring awareness into the body. You can do the same thing while walking.
Bring the mind into the body. Mind and body together. This walking meditation is beneficial. It especially helps to integrate meditation into everyday life. Sometimes you can meditate in everyday life, while you are walking or in different places, but it can be quite difficult that suddenly you can meditate like that. Sitting meditation is quite easy.
Meditating while walking is sometimes a little bit more difficult than sitting, but not chaotic like everyday life.
It is in between. So it benefits the conjunction between sitting and everyday life.
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